My friends are AMAZEBALLS!

Friday, 21 February 2014

Hey guys!

I just want to take this opportunity to say how excited and proud I am of my friend Fiona from Diary of a Chain Stitcher - she is living the sewing dream!

If you haven't yet heard, Fiona has been chosen as one of the Mood Sewing Network International bloggers - a major deal! You'll be seeing her over the coming months sewing up some amazing fabric that you and I can only dream of in the UK! Although Mood now ship internationally, so maybe not quite a dream anymore if you gots the $$$

If you don't yet follow her, go there now! She is the cutest thing in the world (I'm constantly having to stop myself from putting her in my pocket), and an amazing seamstress to boot - and she buys fabric for a living. I'm constantly jealous.

I found out a few days early - Mood out up her picture a leeetle early, and I nearly lept off the couch in excitement (but of course I kept schtum)! I can't wait to live vicariously through her!

Congratulations Fiona!!

Love you lots!

Emmie x


  1. Squeaaaaal how exciting for her!!

  2. Emmie you wonderful lady! I've only just had time to comment properly on this, you are totally amazing! This little post right here has totally made my day/week/month! Seeing how genuinely happy for me you and the other spoolettes are has made it all the more special and exciting. Squeeeee! I'm so bloody nervous but cannot wait!!


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